Ziran Education Foundation is aware of the considerable local interest in the future of the Reading Prison site, as well as its relationship to the Abbey Ruins and wider Abbey Quarter. Therefore, Ziran will hold briefing meetings some time before Christmas, and invite local groups and individuals to attend these meetings, wherein the latest updates on the overall project will be shared.
CONTACT USCollaboration
Serkong School
We are proud to be collaborating with Serkong School, in our first foray into improving education throughout the Himalayas. Serkong is a primary school founded by Tabo Monastery–the millennium-old Buddhist Temple in India. We provide Serkong School with financial assistance so it can recruit new English teachers, and also adopt Emory University’s innovative SEE (Social, Emotional, and Ethical) Learning Program to cultivate capable, self-affirmed students.

Transforming Education w/ Teachers College Columbia University
Ziran Education has partnered with Teachers College Columbia University, to devise a new learning model which–while fully secular–centres around benefits humans can derive from mindfulness and spiritual belief. Pictured is Ziran Education founder Channing Bi (left) with Columbia’s Dr. Lisa Miller, founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and author of “The Spiritual Child: The New Science of Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving”

Supporting Japan’s Nippon Foundation
Ziran Founder Channing Bi (right) has contributed $1 Million USD to the Nippon Foundation of Tokyo, Japan, a philanthropic organisation responsible for large-scale humanitarian aid initiatives worldwide.

The late Park Seo-Bo, whose abstract paintings were foundational to Korea’s Art Informel Movement, entered into an arrangement with Ziran that will see 100 pieces of his invaluable work displayed in the museum of an experimental K-12 school that Ziran will build. Mr. Park’s eclectic painting style perfectly symbolises the planned school’s ethos of drawing influence from philosophies across hemispheres.

Solcode, our other sister company, is committed to making electric vehicle ownership accessible to all UK citizens. Specialising in EV charging, sales, and leases, Sol Code offers the best prices in the market, ensuring that a global transition to electric mobility is affordable and seamless for all.
Banksy Pledges $13.3 Million to Help Turn the U.K. Prison Where Oscar Wilde Was Once Held Into an Art Center
The maverick street artist plans to sell a stencil to raise funds to buy Reading Gaol.